
Us in our lovingly created festival gong bath space – photo taken by Collette Crespin


      Since being initiated in the use of the gong through training with Gongmaster Don Conreaux in 2002/03, introducing people to the phenomenom of the gong has been our full time occupation.

                      Each year in May we embark upon a tour of England’s Summer festivals where we set up our space, usually in the Healing /Well-being Areas, to offer our unique kind of individual Gong Bath relaxation sessions.   Also at festivals we facilitate workshops and orchestrate group Gong Baths or Gong Meditations.

                     From the Autumn to the Spring, again we are likely to be on tour –  in locations around the country we contribute to Meditation Days, hold Group Gong Bath sessions in Halls and Community Centres,  offer individual Gong Bath sessions in various settings and attend Mind/Body/Spirit Shows and Psychic Fairs to offer our short Gong Shower Relaxation sessions.    Also, as we move from place to place between our formal engagements we take any opportunity we see to offer our shorter Gong Shower sessions in outdoor public locations – sea front promenades, market squares and civic gardens are amongst our favorite locations for this.                                                                                                                                                                                          

                      In summary,  the different experiences we offer with our gongs are :

                           Individual Gong Bath Sessions

                            The individual gong bath as we facilitate it is a unique and potentially profound experience which is variously described as relaxing, energising, exhilarating, rejuvenating, uplifting, etc.

                            It is a very effective way of stimulating the natural good feeling of the body and most often leaves the recipient grounded with an indisputable sense of well-being.

                           The experience is often likened to ‘being massaged all over’ by those who are sensitive as they feel their skin tingle and deeper sensations as the waves of sound vibrate through the body and trigger a tangible release of tensions.  Often during a gong bath the deepest sense of rest and rejuvenation is achieved.    

                           We can be found working the way throughout the summer at larger festivals, then at various other types of venue around the country in the Spring and Autumn.


                            Individual Gong Showers  

                           5  minute relaxation sessions where the recipient sits upright and the gong is held by hand and played all around the body,  

                           10 minute relaxation session where the gong is on a stand but travels vertically up and down the spine of the recipient .

                          The shorter sessions are mainly for impromptu sessions such as ‘public gonging’ whilst the longer sessions are likely to be offered at smaller festivals, Community Fairs of Mind/Body/Spirit type shows.


                         Group Gong Meditation Sessions  

                          Tailored to each situation, exploring the potential of using the gongs to deepen ones experience of meditation, presence, wellbeing etc

 Ocassionally at festivals, more often a spring and autumn activity in community centres, alternative health venues,  village halls etc.


                        We have also occasionally undertaken and are available for school visits , recordings and space clearings etc.
                        The geographical area in which we work and offer our gong sessions already extends as far north as Lancashire and as far South as Sussex and Devon . However our ‘map’ is expanding every year so please do be in touch if you would like to experience one of the sessions that we offer,  or if you would like us to be a part of an event that you are organising etc.  …
                      Or if you would simply like to be added to our ‘mailing list’ so that we will let you know when we are active in your area, please send us an email with ‘mailing list’ as the subject, letting us know your name and location.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tel:  07875 564677  ,        email: mail@gongbath.co.uk